"1. Upon the filing with the Secretary
of written charges of conduct unbecoming a member of
IHC against any member, and upon a resolution passed by the majority of the Board in a
meeting duly convened for that purpose for considering the same no later than thirty
(30) days before the date set for an annual meeting, a member may be expelled from
2. A resolution under Section C, paragraph 1, above is not valid unless:
(a) prior written notice is
given to the member setting forth the grounds upon which it is
sought to expel the member;
(b) the notice is given to the member ten days or more before the date of the meeting of
the Board called to consider the resolution expelling such member;
(c) an opportunity is given to the member
to appear, either personally or by a person
authorized under the LawSocietyAct, to represent such member, to make
submissions at the meeting of the Board called to consider the resolution expelling
such member.
3. The Secretary of the Co-operative shall, within five days of the date of the meeting of the
Board referred to above, notify such member of the decision of the Board by registered
letter addressed to such member at
such member’s latest known address.
4. Where a resolution expelling a member is passed under Section C, paragraphs 1 and 2
above, such member may appeal the decision of the Board at the next annual or general
meeting of members, and the members by majority vote may confirm, vary or set aside the
5. A member who wishes to appeal such member’s expulsion to a meeting of members shall
give notice of the member’s intention to appeal within twenty-one days of receipt of the
notice of expulsion mentioned in paragraph 3 above, and the directors shall, if written
representations are received seven or more days before notice of the meeting is sent, at the
expense of IHC, forward with the notice of the meeting a copy of such representations to each
member entitled to receive a notice of the meeting.
6. IHC shall purchase from such an expelled member, within one year after such member’s
expulsion becomes final, all the member’s shares in the capital of IHC at par value together
with any premium and unpaid dividends and shall pay out:
(a) all amounts
held to such member’s credit together with any additional amounts to
which the member is entitled;
(b) any amount outstanding on loans made to IHC by such member that are repayable
on demand by such member together with any additional amounts to which the
member is entitled."